Outdoor Pursuits Gear Shop
With over 1,000 pieces of water sport, camping, hiking, and snow sport rental gear, Outdoor Pursuits is the perfect starting point for any student looking to plan for an outing on or off campus. Gear can be rented by the day, week, or weekend.
Reservations, walk-ins, and curbside pickup are available at Outdoor Pursuits! Gear can be checked out for a maximum of one week. Longer trips will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. To reserve equipment in advance please submit the Equipment Request Form.
All online requests must be submitted 2 days prior to requested pick-up date.
Rentable Equipment
We have tons of gear for you to choose from free of charge. All equipment is reliable and in great condition. Check out what's available for you to rent below!
Need a bike?
Please complete the Bike Rental Request Form below to reserve your wheels!
Outdoor Pursuits
Spring Hours
Monday and Friday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tuesday - Thursday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Anytime the Rec Center is open.
Top Rope Climbing
Check with the Gear Shop for opportunities.
Hours are subject to change due to weather, special events, holidays or unforeseen circumstances. Please check website for updates.
Location & Contact:
OP Gear Shop:
- West Entrance of Harrison Hall
1300 23rd Street,
Greeley, CO 80639
Climbing Wall:
Inside the Recreation Center
Ropes Course:
1830 6th Avenue,
Greeley, CO 80631
Phone: 970-351-4327
501 20th Street, CB 62
Greeley, CO 80639
Ready for Adventure?
We can help! Ask us questions about our gear, where the best places to recreate locally are, and so much more. Let's get exploring, Bears!